Welcome to the internet home of the South Central Leather crafters’ Guild! The objective and purpose of the guild is to promote and share the ideals of leather craft, support the guild and its members, share ideas and knowledge, and encourage people of all ages to learn the craft.

The South Central Leathercrafters’ Guild is based in Nashville, Tennessee, but we have members from all over the US and other countries. Our membership is comprised of leatherworks ranging from beginners to masters in all age ranges.
Our guild meets on the second Saturday of the month at 2:00 pm at the Tandy Leather at 405 Harding Industrial Dr, Nashville, TN, 37211. Meetings start with a quick business meeting and then move on to planned or impromptu workshops.
If you have an interest in leather, we’d be glad for you to join us. To inquire more about how to become a member of SCLCG, please send an email to southcentral.lcg@gmail.com